What others say about Mindbloom“I have undergone EDMR therapy with Nellie Stiny in Chiang Mai. I first sought therapy when anxiety andpanic began to consume my everyday well-being; and I could no longer function (although it has always beenpresent in my life ever since I could remember).
I could not maintain normal, healthy relationships with others, I had problems keeping in touch with friends, myself-worth was indiscernible, and the simplest of activities seemed impossible to accomplish. While this wasnothing new in my life, I previously thought that if I left everything behind back home and moved away, that Iwould be happier. But my unhappiness and anxiety followed me, and I finally came to the conclusion that if Icouldn’t be happy in Chiang Mai, I couldn’t be happy anywhere. I emailed Nellie and she immediatelyscheduled an appointment with me. I made a promise to myself that enough is enough – I want to live thehappy life I deserve. I went to Nellie expecting to work on perhaps an anxiety disorder, and we discovered through my first session that I was suffering from PTSD.
During my childhood and adolescence, I had undergone several traumatic events. At the time of first speakingwith Nellie, I was not aware of the impact it had on my life. I believed that they no longer affected me and thatthey were simply a part of my past.
She introduced me to EDMR – and I couldn’t have been more relieved. I was relieved that there was an actualtherapy for PTSD, and it gave me hope that I can one day feel better. I was eager to start and finish thisprogram, and I hoped to make it out on the other end as a whole person.
Upon delving deeper into my past, I realized that the trauma I endured had stuck with me for all these years.These events that I never processed had a hold on me, and affected all aspects of my life and behavior – frommy sleeping patterns, relationships with my parents and friends, and especially the core beliefs about myselfthat I believed to be true.
Nellie warned me that the upcoming weeks would be difficult – they will test me, bring out emotions andflashbacks that may be difficult to bear. However, I went into this program with optimism, because even if theEDMR didn’t have the healing effect Nellie promised, I knew I would at least be one step closer to where Iwanted to be, and I would discover more about myself and how to move forward.
The beginning weeks of the therapy were extremely painful. I was irritable, emotional, and it was hard to focuson work or my studies. During this time, I practiced new ways to calm myself and work through the intenseemotions. There were times when I was physically ill to my stomach, had headaches, was forgetful, couldn’tthink coherently, and some days I lost my appetite while other days I overate.
Certain memories were scarier than others, and there were some “homework” assignments that Nellie gaveme that absolutely terrified me. There were some habits I had formed that were destructive, and weighedheavily on my wellbeing. Getting over these habits were also very painful, but I knew that there will be light atthe end of this long, dark, painful tunnel. And even if there wasn’t – I would at least be able to have aprofessional help me work through some of these painful experiences and help me make sense of it all.
As the sessions went on, one weekend, all of the sudden, I felt no anxiety. It was the strangest feeling – onebrand new to me. I also thought that this was just a short-term result of the therapy, and that my anxiety wouldinevitably return. But no – as the days passed, my anxiety never came back. I am now much calmer, and muchhappier all around.
Nellie’s EDMR Therapy has worked wonders on my life. It has only been a short time since I have done it, but Iam already seeing changes in my life that I never thought were possible.
The memories will always be there, and the trauma will always be there. But the hold it has on my emotionalwell-being has loosened and I no longer feel entrapped by my anxiety.
I am more productive, and have taken interest in various hobbies – when I previously found it too overwhelmingto spend any time on. I am by no means absolutely cured, but this is a giant step from where I was, to where Iwant to be in my life.
To me, this is a no-brainer. Everyone that has PTSD should go through this therapy. If you are reading thisnow, I really urge you to put your faith into this therapy and simply try. Delving into painful and traumaticexperiences is the hardest thing to do – trust me, but it is the only way to move forward with your life.
I can’t thank Nellie enough for recognizing my PTSD and putting me through a treatment program to help mework on these issues. I have a clear path to self-healing, and I fully intend to make the most of it and work onmy mental health every day so that I can get from where I am, to where I want to be.”
“Our conversations encompassed the warm, loving guidance which I believe are fundamental in mental health care. It made me feel seen and heard. Nellie is a rock-solid, thorough therapist and I’m happy she works in this field.”
“I feel like our work saved me three to four years of solo work with reading and journaling, and made an incredible impact on my quality of life. Our work helped me get clarity on my personal values and relationship values. For the first time ever I felt: things are good; I’m feeling at peace with myself.’
“Since doing all that EMDR with Nellie, I haven’t had any recurring PTSD symptoms and have been able to happily get on with life. I felt physically & mentally free of pretty much all the symptoms of trauma that had consumed me for years. I know this sounds cliche but I feel like I have ‘found myself’.”
“Nellie taught me a lot and helped me well. The therapy brought me way more than I thought it would. Nellie showed me that therapy makes sense and can really impact your life. During the process I felt understood, heard and seen.”
“Being able to have vulnerable conversations where I try to suspend judgment of myself for having emotional responses to people is a new skill and would not be possible without the work we’ve done together. Just wanted to say that I am immensely grateful for you and that the impact of the work isn’t instant, but I’ve been able to see it over time.”
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