

We offer a free of charge 15-minute screening call, in which you can address your questions and we will explore if and in what way we can create the best connection in terms of needs, services, finances and person.

By appointment only.

Registration and reimbursement

If we are a good fit, we will send you information and ask you to fill out the registration form and symptom questionnaire prior to our intake appointment. If your treatment is eligible for reimbursement by the (Dutch) health care insurance, we need a letter of referral from your Dutch medical doctor or general practitioner (NL: huisarts) prior to our intake appointment. In case you opt for privately paid or company imbursed health care, you do not need this letter.


In our 90-120 minute intake meeting, we will clarify the issues you are dealing with and the symptoms you’re experiencing (physical, emotional, cognitive, behavioural, interactional and/or spiritual). We will identify your goals, needs, wishes and hopes. A thorough intake is essential in order to maximize the efficacy of your therapy, coaching, training or integration journey. We check whether you may be eligible for reimbursement by your (Dutch) health insurance and talk about the implications for the treatment costs. Please bring your ID card or passport to our first intake meeting.

In our second meeting we will finetune our treatment plan and start our therapy, coaching or training journey. If we need to extend our intake phase to gain more information so we can decide which approach suits you best, we will inform you. If you wish we can inform your medical doctor about the start of our treatment and treatment plan. We will only do that with your explicit consent.


Psychological therapy
Psychological sessions are indicated when you are suffering from symptoms such as: fear, panic and anxiety, depression, posttraumatic stress resulting from (complex) trauma, obsessions and compulsions, low self-esteem, stress, burnout, attention and concentration difficulties, moderate (bipolar) mood swings, difficulties in relationships and interactions with other people or struggle with emotions and emotional regulation (such as shame, guilt, self-blame, anger, fear, sadness, self-hatred, excitement). Psychological therapy can be reimbursed by your (Dutch) health care insurance, if the symptoms can be categorized by a DSM 5 diagnosis.

ADHD Assessment
If you experience difficulties with concentration, (prolongued) attention, focusing, planning, organizing and finishing tasks, filtering impressions and forgetfulness, and/or impulsivity, hyperactivity that impacts your functioning, you may be interested in getting tested and/or treated for Attention Deficit/ Hyperactive Disorder. These symptoms may be accompanied by periods of depression, anxiety, burnout, addiction, sleep problems and difficulties in relationships. We explore and respect your experiences and background, therefore we will assess holistically: we will examine the coherence between personal, environmental, experiential, (inter/intra) generational, physical and cultural factors, that are influencing the presentation of the current experienced symptoms.

If you wish to improve your functioning and are motivated to invest in personal development, and do not meet the criteria for psychological therapy, coaching can be the right path for you. By identifying what really matters to you and setting value-based goals, we hold the space and help guide you towards more fulfilment in life and work.

At this moment we’re able to offer you an individual Live in the Moment training, based on Mindfulness and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. For future (group) trainings, please keep an eye on our website. This training consists of one intake session, eight weekly training sessions and one follow-up session.

You will reconnect deeply with one of your life-transforming (non-ordinary state) experiences in order to identify and embody the insights you have gained in sustainable ways. To support you in unfolding both the challenging and the beneficial aspects you may have uncovered, you will be guided through the integration process.

If another modality may suit you well in addition to one of our care options, we’ll explore the possibilities within our professional network together. Maybe you know other options outside of our network, please feel free to explore and let us know. We are looking forward to collaborate.


We evaluate together and use questionnaires to assure the progress and quality of treatment at the start and end (and sometimes mid-term) of our therapy journey. In multidisciplinary intervision and supervision we will monitor the progress, quality and effectivity of our treatments. In case adjustment seems needed, we will address this together and adjust or create a new treatment plan.


Deciding together

We are transparent, open and decide together with you what can be a suitable next step (or steps) in your personal journey. This is an interplay between your wishes, capacities, needs and the tools, capacities and connection that your therapist, coach or trainer is able to offer you in collaboration with our multidisciplinary network of professionals.

Involving significant others

It’s possible to involve significant others (partner, family, friends). Please inform us in advance if you bring someone along. Bringing someone you trust, or someone that’s close to you can potentially be very beneficial to your personal growth journey. Having someone to support you alongside the therapeutic process can work as a catalyst.

For more information, tips, inspiration and support your significant others can read this work card: what does a significant other need? (provided by the mental health care standards in the Netherlands – Dutch language).

Therapeutic modalities

Connecting in a genuine, authentic way, is key. A connection in which we are embodied and present, listen with care and respect, with an open mind and heart. At Mindbloom we often work experientially on the emotional, cognitive, behavioral, relational and if desired spiritual level. This means that we don’t just talk, you also experience on a deeper level, which catalyzes the emotional, cognitive, behavioral, interactional (and spiritual) changes. Tools may accompany our journey, such as: Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR), Schema Focused Therapy (SFT), Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Focusing and Existential Wellbeing Counseling.



We collaborate with a variety of professionals offering: Psychomotor therapy, vitality coaching, physiotherapy, personal and professional coaching, psychodynamic therapy, burnout and stress management, family systems, breathwork, tension and trauma releasing exercises (TRE), Somatic Experiencing (SE), sensorimotor psychotherapy, systemic family therapy, emotionally focused couples therapy (EFT), yoga therapy, running therapy and psychedelic assisted therapy (PAT).



Our conversations are private and confidential. We will not share your information with others without your written permission. We adhere to the ethical guidelines and principles stated by the NIP (Dutch institute for psychologists) and we took the professional oath for Health Care Psychologists (GZ-Psychologen). We respect the professional code of confidentiality. With your permission we can exchange information with other involved health care professionals, such as your medical doctor/ general practitioner, specialist. We will discuss and decide on the contents of this conversation with you in advance and share information about the exchange afterwards. If you are engaging in psychological therapy and have been referred by your medical doctor you can give us permission to inform your doctor if you wish. If you give permission, we will inform your doctor about your goals, diagnosis, treatment plan and the treatment process after the intake and at the end of our therapy journey.

Please check out our privacy statement here.

Cancellation and no show

Cancellation of an appointment should be done at least 48 hours in advance. Outside office hours, you can send an email to or leave a voicemail in which you clearly state your name, cancellation, session date, date and time of your call.

If you don’t cancel an intake meeting on time, we will send you an invoice for € 160,- (+ 21% VAT). If you don’t show up at a meeting (no show), or cancel within 48 hours, we will charge € 80,- (+ 21% VAT) per missed meeting.



Please consult the quality standard established by Mindbloom (NL: ‘kwaliteitsstatuut’). This standard is public and based on public regulation.


Treatment terms

Please consult our treatment terms and conditions here.

Inclusion and exclusion criteria

You are 18 years or older.
You speak English or Dutch.
You are open and motivated to engage in therapy, coaching, training or integration.
You are a member of the international community, a (former) expat, nomad and/or open-minded human being.
You identify with what you read on our website.
We welcome people from all race, color (BIPOC), creed, religion, national origin, gender identifications and sexual orientation (LGBTQIA2S+).
You are suffering from symptoms such as fear, panic and anxiety, depression, posttraumatic stress resulting from (complex) trauma, obsessions and compulsions, low self-esteem, stress, burnout, attention and concentration difficulties, moderate (bipolar) mood swings, difficulties in relationships and interactions with other people.
You are struggling with emotions and emotional regulation (such as shame, guilt, self-blame, anger, fear, sadness, self-hatred, excitement).
You’re on the autism spectrum and request help for other issues, which are not primarily focused on the autism diagnosis.
You want to get tested and treated for attention deficit/ hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
You wish to improve your functioning and feel motivated to invest in personal development, but do not or mildly deal with symptoms written above.
You wish to live more fully in a value-based and mindful way.
You wish to meaningfully integrate a life-changing situation.
You are willing and able to reflect on yourself.


You are currently in a crisis situation or are at high risk for crises, for example when you experience acute suicidality or are in life threatening danger. In case of an emergency, you can call your medical doctor (general practitioner / NL: ‘huisarts’) or the emergency number 112.
You have an intellectual (IQ < 85) or congenital disability. Please check out Philadelphia.
You are currently dealing with a legal personal injury procedure (after this procedure, we can start treatment at Mindbloom). Please check out ‘De letselschade psychologen’.
You experience severe anger management issues: threatening and/or violent behavior. Please check out expert treatment at ‘De Waag’.
You’re on the autism spectrum and your request for help is primarily focused on the autism diagnosis. Please check out the ‘Nederlandse vereniging voor autisme’ or get treatment at ‘het Leo Kannerhuis’.
You’ve been diagnosed with schizophrenia and/or other psychotic disorders. Please check out GGZ Centraal.
You’re struggling with addiction and/or dependency on alcohol/ drugs/ medication/ sex/ gambling/ gaming/ social media/ shopping. Please check out Phase 01, Jellinek, or Brijder.
You’re coping with an eating disorder, which is causing you to have a body weight that is too low (BMI <17) or too high for your age, sex and health, and is limiting your ability to access your emotions and negatively impacting your cognitive and emotional learning abilities. Please check out GGZ Centraal or Human Concern.
You’re dealing with severe obsessive-compulsive thoughts and behaviors, tics or Tourette syndrome. Check out OCD net for an overview of treatment centers,  HSK Tic Expertise centre, or Stichting Gilles de la Tourette.
You’re currently dealing with severe bipolar moodwings (mania, depression). Please contact GGZ Centraal.
You’ve been diagnosed with a personality disorder and received prior treatment without (sufficient) effect. Please contact Care to Change.
You’re dealing with certain neurological conditions, such as dementia and delirium. Please check out Amaris.
You are in need of family therapy or are seeking therapy for your child. Please check out Molemann, PiP or Praktijk voor leer- en gedragsadviezen.

If you have doubts whether we can be a suitable fit for you, please contact us and schedule a free of charge 15-minute screening call.

Request an appointment, schedule a free screening call or ask a question below.